St. Cloud Main Street Program, Inc.
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About Us
The St. Cloud Main Street Program, which began in September 1999, is a comprehensive revitalization program designed to encourage ongoing economic development in conjunction with historic preservation. We are a not-for-profit corporation that is funded by sponsorships, memberships, city and county governments and run by community volunteers.The Main Street program receives the benefit of experienced technical assistance from Main Street Florida in Tallahassee and the National Main Street Center in Washington, D.C. It employs the Main Street approach to bring about dramatic positive changes in downtown. It encourages economic development within the context of historic preservation. The approach advocates improvement in a four-step process to create a positive distinctive image for downtown. Members of the St. Cloud Main Street Program can make our historic downtown a place to go for Friday night out, shopping, dining, a Saturday with the kids, or a Sunday stroll. Our downtown will be a destination for local and out of town visitors to relax and be a part of our unique history, present, and future.
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